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The biological ABC

Biological control
Crop protection product
Crop rotation
Fixed-pollination variety
Floor bread
Natural food
Proto Plast Fusion
Quality mark Bioland
Quality mark Biogarantie
Quality mark Bio-Siegel
Quality mark Demeter
Quality mark Ecocert
Quality mark EKO
Quality mark Naturland
Quality mark Soil Association
Slow baking
Biocides are mixtures intended to repel, neutralize or prevent harmful or unwanted organisms. There are 22 different product types. The active substance can vary from a fungus or a virus to a natural extract.
Biological control
Biological control refers to the approach. Here, living organisms are used to combat other organisms, for example. In doing so, one looks at the natural enemy of an organism. In addition, one can also use viruses, fungi or bacteria.
The word biodiversity is used to indicate the variety of life on earth. Another word is species richness. Biodiversity can therefore be described as the variety of hereditary material, species and ecosystems in a region. This creates 3 levels: the variety of species that occur, the variety of genes within a species and the ecosystems. Biodiversity in Belgium is estimated at 50,000 different species of life. But the variety of biological life goes further than just the species present. In addition, other terminology is sometimes used, such as alpha diversity (specific point in time), beta diversity (system change) and gamma diversity (diversity within an ecosystem).
Cytoplasmic Male Sterility
A special form of male sterility is CMS, which stands for cytoplasmic male sterility. As the name suggests, this property is not located on the DNA in the cell nucleus, as is the case for most properties, but on DNA that occurs outside the cell nucleus. In a cross, this DNA is only passed on to the offspring via the egg cell. Plant breeders prefer CMS, because it does not split. CMS can be used for the mother line of a hybrid so that it can no longer be fertilized by its own pollen, but only by other pollen. In the classical method, this is done manually by removing the pollen filaments from each mother plant. In some cases, such as a cross barrier, Proto Plast Fusion can be used. This is done in the laboratory.
Crop protection product
A crop protection product is a substance intended for one of the following purposes:
  • The protection of plants and plant products
  • The influence on the life processes of plants
  • The preservation of plant products
  • The destruction of unwanted plants
  • The limitation or prevention of the unwanted growth of plants
Another term that is also used is crop control.
Crop rotation
Crop rotation is a term used to indicate that different crops are grown on the plot, before the same crop is planted again on this plot. This prevents soil diseases. Crop rotation is also important for soil fertility, soil structure and suppressing weeds.
Fixed-pollination variety
A fixed-pollination variety usually comes into being after 5 or 6 generations of classical cross-pollination. This means that after 5 or 6 generations of offspring, the plant has the same characteristics as the mother plant. An advantage of a fixed-pollination variety, created in the classical way, is that there is genetic variation between the plants in the field, which means that diseases spread less quickly. In addition, the growers can propagate the varieties themselves and this does not have to be done in the laboratory. The seed production cycle can therefore be continued indefinitely. This allows the variety to adapt to, for example, climate change.
Floor bread
Organic floor bread is baked on the (stone) floor of the oven. Because the bottom becomes very hot, the dough quickly sears. This creates a crispy crust on the bottom of the bread. More moisture is lost during baking of floor bread than with standard bread. This gives you a fuller taste. In addition, each loaf has its own shape, because they are not baked in a baking tin. The rounder shape is called boulé and the longer shape is called bâtard.
Natural food
Natural food is food that has been created in a conscious manner. During food production, choices have been made to work with fresh, organic products for a fair price. Natural food is more than organic food. It is about food that effectively nourishes the body. It is therefore healthy, wholesome food, with less environmental impact and only natural pesticides have been used. In addition, these products are not processed.
A pesticide is a toxic chemical used to control weeds or organisms. For example, there are insecticides, fungicides (fungi), herbicides (plants) or rodenticides (rodents), acaricides, larvicides, avicides, piscicides, ... There are many more and you can split the word into -cide, where this word part indicates the toxic substance for the first word part.
Proto Plast Fusion
In Proto Plast Fusion, the cell wall is first dissolved by an enzyme treatment, and then the cells without cell walls are fused with electrical stimuli. This combines the mitochondria, which transfers cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) from one species to another. This ultimately results in complete male sterility. Demeter, Naturland and Bioland prohibit this form of genetic manipulation.
Quality mark Bioland
Bioland is a German quality mark that sets a higher standard for organic farming. Some requirements are that the entire company is organic, that biodiversity is further promoted and that stricter attention is paid to animal welfare.
Quality mark Biogarantie
The Biogarantie label assures that the products you buy were grown and processed in Belgium. They also have additions to the European rules on organic production. For example, there is the requirement to maintain biodiversity, and they look at better resilience to climate change and animal welfare.
Quality mark Bio-Siegel
Bio-Siegel is a German quality mark for organic farming. The quality mark is on organic food from Germany. The quality mark does not impose any additional requirements.
Quality mark Demeter
Demeter is the quality mark for biodynamic agriculture and food. All products with a Demeter quality mark meet the standards for organic agriculture, as laid down in European legislation. Farmers and processors who also meet the Demeter standards and guidelines receive a Demeter certificate and are allowed to use the Demeter quality mark. The Demeter Foundation is the holder of the Demeter quality mark for the Netherlands and Flanders. The Demeter quality mark applies stricter standards than the organic label. For example, a balanced manure policy is taken into account (less nitrogen, at least 60% solid manure), the use of a wide crop rotation and steaming soil in greenhouses is not permitted. In addition, stricter requirements are also imposed regarding the support of biodiversity and conventional feed is not permitted. Finally, the farmers themselves come together to further develop Demeter, Cytoplasmic Male Sterility hybrids are prohibited and genetically modified seed may not be used.
Quality mark Ecocert
Ecocert is the quality mark of an independent organisation that demonstrates that cleaning products and detergents are made from naturally derived ingredients. The certification assesses each ingredient and supplier and also includes an annual audit of the supplier's factories. Producers who have an Ecocert label must achieve higher standards and provide more transparency than those set by European regulations. For the consumer, the Ecocert label is a guarantee that the products consist of at least 95% plant-based or naturally derived active ingredients (not water) and that the product meets the high ecological standards set by Ecocert.
Quality mark EKO
The EKO quality mark indicates that the product comes from organic farming. No chemical pesticides or artificial fertilizers have been used. Farmers do not use genetically modified seeds and livestock farmers have an animal-friendly working method. Organic farming standards are based on preserving the environment, nature and landscape and animal welfare. EKO is a top quality mark because of high scores on control, transparency and sustainability. There are various products with the EKO quality mark such as vegetables, bread, fruit, milk and dairy products, eggs, meat, beer and wine.
Quality mark Naturland
Naturland is committed to ecological agriculture worldwide. For example, it issues certificates for ecological fishing (WildFish) and aquaculture (Aquakultur). Naturland Wildfish is a German quality mark for wild fish. The quality mark focuses on small farmers and workers. The climate impact is not taken into account, but overfishing, the preservation of biodiversity, whether there are escape mechanisms during trawling, etc. Naturland Aquakultur is a quality mark for farmed fish, shellfish and crustaceans. Here too, there are currently no requirements regarding climate impact, but the stocking rate and water quality are taken into account. In addition, requirements have been set here regarding transport and rapid stunning.
Quality mark Soil Association
Soil Association is a quality mark for organic food, originally from Great Britain. The quality mark can be found on vegetables and fruit, meat, dairy, eggs and farmed fish. The Soil Association standard goes a bit further than organic mainly in the areas of animal welfare, protecting human health and protecting the environment.
Slow baking
Organic bread requires craftsmanship without using industrial baking methods. Because pure organic ingredients are used, some breads require a baking method that requires a long preparation time. These breads are called 'slow baking'. It is a separate baking method, in which breads are baked at lower temperatures, they get more moisture, they have a longer cooling period and/or a day of rising time is provided.