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Puur! took over De Natuurvriend since January 2024. In the coming months we will continue to make additional investments to further grow as your local organic & fair-trade store in Hamme.
Yarrah Barnhouse Mani Bläuel Dr. Hauschka Urtekram Probiotic Thise Allos Ginstberg Mont Roucous Natumi Nur Puur Ökoland Raw bite Taifun Terrasana Voelkel Green organics Ojibwa Schrozberger Vivani Marma De Rit Ghee Easy Dr. Goerg Davert Sojade Fytostar Sonett Berchtesgadener Land Chiemgauer Naturfleisch Bio Verde Nataos Bohlsener Muehle Udo's Choice Bastiaansen Purasana Yokuu Weleda Piramide Züger Bio Mare Grünhof Yogi Tea Mannavita Zwergenwiese Sanchon Andechser Lima Soebbeke Bauckhof Oxfam Fair Trade Santé
Santé Oxfam Fair Trade Bauckhof Soebbeke Lima Andechser Sanchon Zwergenwiese Mannavita Yogi Tea Grünhof Bio Mare Züger Piramide Weleda Yokuu Purasana Bastiaansen Udo's Choice Bohlsener Muehle Nataos Bio Verde Chiemgauer Naturfleisch Berchtesgadener Land Sonett Fytostar Sojade Davert Dr. Goerg Ghee Easy De Rit Marma Vivani Schrozberger Ojibwa Green organics Voelkel Terrasana Taifun Raw bite Ökoland Nur Puur Natumi Mont Roucous Ginstberg Allos Thise Probiotic Urtekram Dr. Hauschka Mani Bläuel Barnhouse Yarrah


At Puur! you can get fresh organic bread daily. A wide range of breads is always available.

From sourdough to slow baking

Everyone's preference is different. That's why Puur! has a very wide range of organic bread available. This range consists of different types of bread with different flavors and baking methods. Think for example of:

Bakkerij Van der Westen
The assortment of organic bakery Van der Westen (Zonnemaire) can be ordered for delivery on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
Bakkerij De Trog
The assortment of organic bakery De Trog can be ordered for delivery on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

Respect for authenticity

Since some breads have a baking time of more than 48 hours, it is advisable to order certain breads in advance. You can order these breads either on the spot, by telephone or soon via our order page. Via the order page you will be able to choose from a wider range than that which is provided daily. Here you will be able to choose from large loaves, small loaves, savoury pastries, patisserie and gluten-free bread. Here, for example, it is possible to choose breads with the Demeter quality mark. Feel free to come by to discover the range.

Puur! - organic bread Puur! - organic bread Puur! - organic bread Puur! - organic bread


At Puur! you can get fresh seasonal organic fruit and vegetables every day.

Organic farming

All fruit is grown organically. We work with well-known fruit and vegetable farmers who are reliable and recognized. So you are assured of excellent quality! Thanks to the EU organic quality mark for fruit and vegetables, you are assured that you are supporting organic farming with respect for nature and the responsible use of resources.

Attention and respect for nature

Attention is paid to the soil by, for example, applying crop rotation. This means that different crops are grown on the plot before the same crop is planted on this plot again. This prevents soil diseases. Crop rotation is also important for soil fertility, soil structure and suppressing weeds. In addition, a limited number of fertilizers are permitted in organic cultivation, of which only the strictly necessary quantity may be applied. Nitrogen fertilizer is prohibited and only the strictly necessary quantity of crop protection products may be applied.

Puur! - Organice fruit and vegetables Puur! - Organice fruit and vegetables Puur! - Organice fruit and vegetables Puur! - Organice fruit and vegetables


Puur! also provides a wide range of fresh dairy products.

For example, you can choose from:


Puur! also offers a wide range of meat and processed meats.

Processed meats and toppings

We provide a wide range of processed meats and toppings. Because the meat is 100% organic, you are sure to support the local farmer. The added benefit is that you are buying fair products, which contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Fair meat

Fair meat stands for transparency. Abuse is prevented, the life of the animal is protected through animal welfare regulations. And it is common knowledge that an animal that has had a good life, gives good meat. A good life is the collective name for proper nutrition, sufficient space to move, the animal can shelter in harsh weather conditions, ... In other words, many aspects are checked to ensure that the product on your plate at home is of the best quality. Feel free to take a look in our shop and discover the range of organic meat for yourself!

Orders possible on request

Want to host a BBQ for a large group, throw a party or have an event planned? Order in advance and pass on all the products you want to our team.

Puur! - Organic Meat Puur! - Organic Meat Puur! - Organic Meat Puur! - Organic Meat


For many people, coffee is often heavy on the stomach. That is why Puur! provides a range of easily digestible coffees, but also coffee substitutes and tea.

Tea and herbs

There is also a wide range for tea lovers. There is a range of loose tea and herbs to make your own tea. In addition, there are also tea bags from the brands Yogi Tea and Piramide. The herbs are all of organic origin, which ensures a unique taste of your tea.

Taking a new road

Forget that classic coffee and discover the range of coffee and tea that is always of completely natural origin. If you have any questions, you can always contact us.

Puur! - Coffee & tea Puur! - Coffee & tea


Puur! has the widest range of organic dry goods in Hamme.

You can visit us for:

Give your life a new twist and opt for healthier and more balanced nutrition thanks to the organic dry goods that Puur! offers you. If you want advice, you can always contact us.

Puur! - Dry goods Puur! - Dry goods Puur! - Dry goods Puur! - Dry goods


You can also come to us for nutritional supplements. At Puur! you will find a wide range for various purposes.

Support or purification

Do you want extra support for certain organs such as your skin, liver, pancreas, ... Or do you want to give your nails a boost? Then natural nutritional supplements are the ideal solution. They offer you support in every phase of your life. So there are suitable supplements for both young and old people.

Various types

The nutritional supplements that you will find at Puur! in Hamme are available in powder form, pills, lozenges, etc. So there is something for everyone.
Feel free to contact us.

Puur! - Nutritional supplements Puur! - Nutritional supplements Puur! - Nutritional supplements


At Puur! you will find a range of essential oils and skin care products.

Organic origin

All products are of organic origin and are therefore skin-friendly and especially recommended for people with sensitive skin. More and more people suffer from allergies and these products offer you the solution. You will find a range of Weleda, Dr. Hauschka but also other brands that hold care in high regard.

Face and skin

In addition to the body care products, various other products are also available such as toothpaste, deodorants, hand cream, face cream and so much more. Feel free to drop by and discover the range.

Puur! - Care products Puur! - Care products Puur! - Care products